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Mobile Marketing

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Conversion Rate Optimization

Email Marketing

Online Presence Analysis

Fell Free To contact Us
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184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 8007



About Us

Sales Leads Design / About Us

Our Story & Our Work

To learn more about us, check out our marketing services, especially paid traffic ads ranging from (Pay Per Click) PPC ads, PLA ads, Retargeting and Pay Per Lead (PPL) to Programmatic campaigns like Display Ads and Video Pre-Roll. These campaigns tend to garner sales and leads quicker than other options or acquire higher impressions than traditional promotions at a much lower CPM rate.

Contact Us

Each campaign has varying time horizons. Some can take longer since current marketing programs are generating opportunities while most usually want results more immediately.


There can be a variety of campaigns and programs that fit well with the business needs. However, the budget will narrow down which options are truly realistic to consider.


Certain programs and projects require active participation from all parties throughout. Limited input and availability have a major impact on timing, staffing, and goals.


Certain programs seek leads whereas others want exposure. Projects have wish lists but which capabilities really matter?

Our marketing services also include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranging from local SEO to national SEO efforts to boost leads, sales and branding along with complimentary tactics such as Content Marketing, in support of SEO. If you know about us and our team, our Content services is quite broad, since we’ve provided blogs, articles, eBooks, videos, motion graphics, 2D and 3D animation, image banners, infographics, podcasts and branded content that is either industry or solution specific. This also led to Reviews and Reputation Management since this also considered content, while playing a role in driving organic traffic and increasing conversion rates from prospective buyers.  Media production also led to Social Media work since that too supports SEO efforts quite well while elevating engagement for brands.

In parallel to those lead generation tactics, our marketing services included enabling clients to run Email campaigns with Drip marketing programs to drive up conversions as well as acquiring or building custom lead lists for just about any industry and demographic desired. If the data is available, we’ll strategize how to acquire that information at the most cost-effective rate or build tools that can gather that data to solve a client need. We also got more involved with web design projects through all these efforts as more businesses learned more about us and our work to assist their SEO efforts, PPC ads and Social ads.  This natural growth within our agency pushed us towards a variety of web projects such as graphic design of logos and icons, user experience analysis, theme and plug-in tweaks, website adjustments based on ADA audits, WIX, SquareSpace, Weebly, GoDaddy Builder and Joomla migrations to WordPress and of course, custom coding. The design work evolved from website work too since businesses need logos or full identity packages which included flyers, social media banners, forms and other collateral for their branding and business documents

In parallel to these design efforts in web design and graphic design, our marketing services team gets involved with creative segments for digital signage and experiential projects that the OOH market knows well about us.  This digital content fills interactive media walls, large-scale video walls, immersive environments that merge the physical and digital as well as typical signage deployments. The majority of Out Of Home (OOH) projects needing media production usually need content for digital menu boards, informational screens, advertising for Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) spots and promotional branding for a variety of media canvases spanning from TV displays to projectors and physical surfaces such as floors, walls, glass and other surfaces. At times, we’re hired as media consultants to provide creative guidance for these branded experiences or we’re helming the production and final launch of custom creative ourselves into a memorable environmental design and personalized media installation.

We also work in traditional marketing areas such as PR and billboards (static and digital) as well as TV since our resources have deep experience in those mediums and media buyers know about us and our staff from past projects. Besides, most clients prefer to have one agency to handle as much, if not all of their marketing and advertising needs, so we adapted our marketing services to meet how clients preferred to retain us.

Want to explore how to achieve your sales, leads and design needs? Contact us today to connect with one of our team members on any of our marketing services and to learn more about us. We can provide a FREE analysis of your website or a FREE consultation to fit your business goals. We are excited to earn your business!

Our Process to Success

Our team of marketing, sales, and business development gurus can customize a business strategy within the context of your goals. We can offer a third party view to your marketing or sales strategy that may not be explored or be underutilized, provided under a consulting engagement.

Initial Consultation

Our business relationship launches with an interactive review of your business, market, competition, reasons for the project(s), the demographics desired, timing, budget, and goals. We then mutually come to an agreement on the cost, terms, and deliverables if we wish to proceed forward.


The on-boarding stage does require active participation from all parties in order to be more precise in the targeting, layout, design, content configuration, set-up, and goals. Depending on the project, substantial research may be needed along with an assessment of acquisition time and costs


Our team manages each campaign and project, which ranges from recurring monthly services to one-time efforts. There is always a producer and either campaign manager or project manager involved with any service we provide.


We like to measure the performance of our campaigns, programs, and custom design and build projects since it helps us optimize those efforts so that we can make more intelligent decisions while including our clients to be an active part of the assessment. We both thrive when both parties are engaged throughout the entire process lifecycle, which then evolves our business relationship into other opportunities to work together. Our goal is to always add value so that we are a key part of each client's successful team.