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Mobile Marketing

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Conversion Rate Optimization

Email Marketing

Online Presence Analysis

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Auto Lead Notification

Auto Lead Notification

Arm your team with more insight to close more business more efficiently with auto lead notification such as web visitor alerts and online prospect notifications. If you're in a business that is quite competitive or relies on timely follow-up, then having your websites, microsites and landing pages optimized with a lead alert system tailored to your staff and business process should enhance ROI and overall revenue.

Auto lead notification, such as web visitors alerts and online prospect notifications arm your team with more timely insight to secure billings more efficiently. If you’re firm is in a competitive industry where client decisions are made quickly or prospects need timely follow-up, then having websites, microsites and landing pages optimized with a lead alert system tailored to current staffing and business processes will accelerate ROI and business growth.

Triggering web visitor alerts when potential buyers are online navigating through you’re website and potentially identifying who they are or at least where they are from, such as a city location or even business if they are connecting from a corporate network, arms your sales staff with key information to win a project. The same auto lead notification tools can be applied to visitors of social media channels and email marketing recipients who open certain emails sent.

The value of having this insight should be obvious since it would arm sales executives that certain prospects could be ready to buy by unknowingly signaling them through web visitor alerts and online prospect notifications. A well-timed call or text or email could close a deal or at least accelerate the sales process towards a billing. Auto lead notifcation can provide other data, such as what keyword phrases drove them to the website and what pages piqued their interest.  This is invaluable since that knowledge would guide Search Engine Optimization (SEO) activities to gain more reach and digital discovery for brands. Applying the insight gained from online prospect notifications, would also better direct the content and messaging of blogs, posts and videos using those search phrases to attract more relevant online traffic and increase conversions with a better targeted audience.

Automatic lead notification can be of value to any industry, such as technology firms trying to close a highly contested project or rehab centers seeking to convince a patient that they need care now or retail to entice a sale before consumers find alternatives. Regardless the market, most owners, and business development professionals would welcome such timely insight as a competitive edge. Of course, we would also deliver reports that summarize the repeat web visits, social media visits, and email opens since our lead tracking tools share KPI metrics like search terms used and pages visited.


How to get started to achieve your sales, leads or design needs?

Contact us today and share your needs to achieve success with one of our team
members. We can provide a FREE analysis of your website or a FREE consultation to hit your business goals. We are excited to earn your business!


Our Process to Success

Our team of marketing, sales, and business development gurus can customize a business strategy within the context of your goals. We can offer a third party view to your marketing or sales strategy that may not be explored or be underutilized, provided under a consulting engagement.

Initial Consultation

Our business relationship launches with an interactive review of your business, market, competition, reasons for the project(s), the demographics desired, timing, budget, and goals. We then mutually come to an agreement on the cost, terms, and deliverables if we wish to proceed forward.


The on-boarding stage does require active participation from all parties in order to be more precise in the targeting, layout, design, content configuration, set-up, and goals. Depending on the project, substantial research may be needed along with an assessment of acquisition time and costs


Our team manages each campaign and project, which ranges from recurring monthly services to one-time efforts. There is always a producer and either campaign manager or project manager involved with any service we provide.


We like to measure the performance of our campaigns, programs, and custom design and build projects since it helps us optimize those efforts so that we can make more intelligent decisions while including our clients to be an active part of the assessment. We both thrive when both parties are engaged throughout the entire process lifecycle, which then evolves our business relationship into other opportunities to work together. Our goal is to always add value so that we are a key part of each client's successful team.